Our Bowls Team

Meet Hampden Park’s Bowls Experts for personalized coaching and guidance.

Meet Our Friendly Team

Our dedicated team is here to enhance your bowls skills and ensure you have a great time.

Robert Wilson

Head Coach

Bringing years of experience, Robert excels in coaching and developing players.

Emily Smith

Assistant Coach

Passionate coach focused on improving player skills and fostering teamwork.

Robert Wilson

Head Coach

Bringing years of experience, Robert excels in coaching and developing players.

Emily Smith

Assistant Coach

Passionate coach focused on improving player skills and fostering teamwork.

Michael Williams

Technical Coach

Expert in refining technical skills, Michael boosts players’ performance.

Jessica Brown

Youth Mentor

Former player turned mentor, Jessica inspires young talents in the club.

Bowling at its Best

Enhance your lawn bowls skills with our expert coaching and welcoming community. Join us at Hampden Park for fun and fitness!